The Long Drudge There

I looked at the day and felt the melancholy.
Bare branches with their life down in the roots.
Blackness tried to creep in and stop the dreams.
While uneven patches of nothing gripped the trail.

Abandoned cars on the way to hope.
Look like attendees at a buffet waiting for a plate.
Skeptical drivers feeling the fear.
No way to go. No way to go home.

The squirrels chased each other around the trees.
They had fun and found some food too.
Melted white blanket dripping on the edge of the house.
Somebody told the sun to take a different route today.

I thought of you and dropped my head, and closed my eyes, and felt the pain.
I remembered the words, and remembered the trust, and remembered your face.
Only the seasons have changed since those times.
Eternity forever written in the darkness.

By Phil Harrison Stowers

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